Current Sponsors:
We would like to thank the Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS) for their ongoing support of the current and previous campaigns.

Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS)

MIPS main focus will always be to provide the best possible indemnity protection to Australian doctors. We also want to support the wellbeing of Australian doctors which is why MIPS is so proud to support the Docceroos. For more information, please visit MIPS website

The Docceroos are predominantly self-funded. We are always on the look-out for sponsorship partnership opportunities for each campaign. Sponsorship will enable exposure to a very unique and select group of doctors from a wide spectrum of specialties. Each year the Docceroos travel overseas to participate in the World Medical Football Championships as well as the World Congress of Medicine in Football and Sport. As preparation, we meet four times during the year: The National State of Origin and Selection Trials, and three training camps around the country.

In addition to our football and educational endeavours, the Docceroos are actively involved in charity events. The Docceroos have actively participated in raising money for local charities at the camps, trials and affiliated state tournaments.

Sponsorship could provide the following opportunities:

Presentation and meeting with the doctors at each of the 3 training camps (25 squad members)
Presentation and meeting at the National Championships (approximately 100 participants)
Email marketing to the existing Docceroos email list (25)
Email marketing to the wider Australian Doctor Footballer mailing list (approx. 100)
To travel with the Docceroos during the World Medical Football Championship
Listing on the Docceroos facebook page
Participate and sponsor at any charity event we participate in
For further interest, please email Dr Alan Jones (alan @ docceroos.com.au)