Docceroos 2023

The Australian Medical Football Championships took place on the 26th of November at Monash University, with players converging from Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria to battle it out for the top spot. The event, attended by more than 40 doctors, was sponsored by MIPS, with all proceeds going to Possible Dreams International, a charity that supports sustainable development in the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland)

GPs, surgeons, and physicians alike fought hard but fair in what was an entertaining day of football, with great passages of play and some impressive goals by the teams. As a testament to the high quality of the football played, all matches ended as draws. The Queensland team, as reigning champions, were crowned this years winners.

Players participated in further matches and drills the following day, as they trialled for positions in the national squad. The standard of football was high, and it was very pleasing to see many new faces as well as past players keen to return to the team.

All players should be commended for their hard work and sportsmanship on the field. It was a fantastic opportunity for all participants to come together and bond over their shared love of football, while also raising money for a good cause. Thank you also to MIPS for their continued support of this event and the Docceroos.

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